Bryson Bort is as good as it gets on the topic of Purple Teaming - great opportunity for anyone looking to squeeze more value out of their program’s PT exercises!
Zach McMahon, Senior Territory Leader at IANS


Do you know where you stand with your Purple Team approach? Join us for a FREE Intro to Purple Team Webinar on Tuesday, February 20 at 1 PM EDT led by SCYTHE CEO Bryson Bort. The 45-minute session is ideal for anyone looking to 'up' their purple teaming skills. 

*Prerequisite to PT Process in OT (101)

What can you expect?

*An introduction to the purple team process we've pioneered within the community for years.

*Clear guidance from a purple team expert

*No prior purple teaming knowledge required



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What will you be doing?

*We’ll cover the who, what, why, and how of purple teaming

*How to use MITRE ATT&CK correctly, building threat intelligence into your plans

*Learn to leverage the 3 key variables of an exercise

*Plus, reporting/metrics that will keep the executives happy!


Fill out the form to register! 

*Attendees will receive a recording/slides post-session.

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